Welcome to Bolsa News

Bolsa E-Newsletter #2, Mar 01

Index News * Current EventsNews *Reunions *Message Board *Chats *vacations *Trivia *How to get folks on *Goodies * Follow up Latest Additions Class stats/totals * Sports Fellow Matadors,

Just giving you an update on a few things going on with the Alumni.

1. Reunions:
Many of you already know that as a result of the June Reunion success, there will be
an informal get together at the same Nationals Sports bar in Irvine, scheduled in all
EVEN years (2002, 2004, etc...). In the Odd years (2001, 2003, etc...), these
are the opportunities for reunion(s) throughout the U.S., although 2003 is shaping up to
be the year of the "cruise."
Neither the EVEN year reunions nor the ODD year reunions are intended to replace any
particular Class's Reunion. They are meant to be informal and be available for a minimal

This Spring:
This March, Andy 77 and others are putting together a reunion of sorts in the D.C.
area. Info for this is already available at BolsaGrandeAlumni.com, just
Click "Reunion 2001 (D.C.)"

This Summer:
This Summer, Karl '70 and others are putting together a reunion of sorts this summer in the Denver, Colorado area. The info will be available soon at BolsaGrandeAlumni.com, just Click "Reunion 2001 (Denver)"

Next Year:
Summer 2002. 15 Jun 2002 at National's in Irvine for All Classes

Class Reunions:
No info yet on any classes having a reunion 2001.

2. Chat:
Their is now a Chat Schedule available at "Bolsa Chat and Chat Info". There is also a link into the Chat Room and coming soon, will be information on Instant Messenger and ICQ (I Seek You). The Next Chat scheduled for you is Thursday Jan 25

3. Friends/Siblings:
BolsaGrandeAlumni.com is a non commercial sight, costs nothing and serves only to get and keep Alumni in touch with one anaother. In that context, there is plenty of room for friends and family who attended Bolsa but are not on any page. Remember, they do not need to have e-mail to be listed on a claspage. Any mailing address or phone number will do. If you know of folks who wish to be added, with their permission, please E-Mail the info to BolsaGrandeAlumni@hotmail.com

4. Pictures:
Each Classpage has the ability to have pictures posted of the "NEW" you. Many pages have pictures, if you want to add pictures, just E-mail them, don't worry about size or format.

5. Message Board:
The message Board is a Fantastic way to keep tabs on whats going on with fellow Alumni. You can enter at BolsaGrandeAlumni.com and just click Bolsa Message Board.

6. Volunteers: Volunteers are always welcome. Help is always needed with
classpages, pictures, etc.......

Hope this Helps,

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